Hi there, so a while back I was offered a special opportunity to have one of the characters from Digitopia the Comic turned into a one special off Lego character.
Needless to say I jumped at the opportunity. I thought long and hard about which character I would like to have made into a Lego character.
I thought the best thing to do would be to put that question to the audience of the book, so I reached out to all those on my mailing list and Kickstarter backers for the digital and print version of the book.
I created a Google Form with the question and references to the characters to gauge opinion.
I put these pictures and description into the form looked like this.
I was really overwhelmed by the quantity of responses that I got. The character that won the vote, polled in 50% of the vote.
So without any further ado, here is the result and the opening of the envelope to see which character from Digitopia came out in Lego format.
There seems to be something very special about villains as the top two places were taken by the villains in the book, between then both they polled 77.8% of the vote.
If you haven’t read the comic book yet, here are links to the best places where you can read issue 1 either as Digital or paperback.
Read Digitopia Online here- www.comic.digitopiafilm.com
Get Digitopia on your Kindle app (mobile and tablet) here – https://amzn.to/34DzUsr
Get Digitopia on your Comixology app (mobile and tablet) here – https://www.comixology.co.uk/Digitopia-1-0-1/digital-comic/820292
Get a paperback copy on ComicHaus here – https://www.comichaus.com/comics/digitopia-10-displaced-dreams/204802.htm
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We’ve got big plans for where we are taking this story, I’ll send an infrequent email to give you the latest developments and updates on how you can be the first to get exclusive rewards.
Hopefully see you there, do have a look around while you’re here, there’s a lot of content here and more to come.
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