I recently finished a job working on Olympics presentations for the London 2012 games. I used Maya for the lighting and effects for the various 2012 logos. I lit these 2012 stings that appear on the giant jumbtrons. Any time any event is about to take place the 2012 logo will fly right on screen and the title of the event would be displayed.
jumbtrons from Farhan Qureshi on Vimeo.
There was a team of six of us in a lofty sunny room in Farringdon working on this – we actually worked in a rather convulted way, working from Maya to 3DS Max to Cinema 4D into AfterEffects with some Nuke in between.
Somehow it seemed to work. Oh yes and I was helping set up the render farm to configure it with all these different renderers.
lighting: mental ray for maya from Farhan Qureshi on Vimeo.
We got the model from another company in Maya, the animation was done in 3DS Max but the initial shading and lighting was done in Mental Ray in Maya. I took the animations back and recreated the shading and lighting network. I installed Mental Ray on the farm using Deadline (no mean task in itself).
I also did the effects on a sponsor movie, where Wenlock dives in and out of a swimming pool (Maya fluids and nParticles) and pulls down a cloth at the end (nCloth).
water sims from Farhan Qureshi on Vimeo.
Cloth Sims from Farhan Qureshi on Vimeo.
Video: Wenlock water + cloth effects
The third thing I did was some of the after party graphics where we could deviate from the brand guidelines as we pleased. Video: distorted 2012
Distortions Effects from Farhan Qureshi on Vimeo.
[Tweet “Olympics #VFX and #Animation http://bit.ly/olympicAnimation pic.twitter.com/wNEcPkeRrI #maya #mayaFluids “]
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